Friday, February 11, 2011

sleep... what's that?

Its 2:08am. I have to wake up at 6:00am. Sweet. I can't sleep. I'm exhausted and wide awake, completely at peace with it though. Maybe its because I know that Starbucks has a new coffee size called the Trenta that's nearly twice the size of the Venti that I will have all the justification in the world to drink tomorrow. Orrr maybe its because God has me thinking... a lot. He is challenging me now with this crazy little thing called LOVE. Maybe you've heard of it ;) Not a challenge with a friend, parent, roommate... no, no, no... that would be too simple. It's much bigger than that. It's His love. Can I take it?? I certainly hope so. Cause until I do somethings telling me there's gunna be a loooot more sleepless nights... I think its time to start receiving that little thing called love. He gives it whether we take it or not. Taking it seems to be the better option. At least at... 2:24 in the morning :)


  1. Ahh this is so great! Just receiving his love all day long!!

  2. Good thoughts Lindsay. Especially right before I try and catch some zzzzzz's =)

  3. You know that drink size is bigger than ones stomach..

  4. yeah... i'm fully aware... (shh... we dont talk about it tho) <-- thats a whisper... haha.

  5. Love this. So very you. And a great position in which to be.

  6. hi love! just wanted to let you know i'm praying for you. i still want to get together and chat asap.

  7. TAKE IT & give it to everyone :) Best thing in the world. God is love & love is the answer to well, everything in my opinion.

    I am all about the LOVE.

  8. Nice. Ok, I'm sitting at Starbucks, next to my friend who works there right now. Trenta does exist. But God's love is bigger...pretty sure.
